Certrip will enable you to:
- know and understand essential knowledge on China’s product environmental compliance.
- be up to speed on China’s most important news on product environmental compliance.
- have rapid access to consultative expertise for any quiestions on China’s product environmental compliance.
- have a professional working on your behalf in China throughout every project you trust with us.

CERTRIP programme, launched by Mr.Zhengyun Bian (see profile) in 2018, focuses on helping our customers around the world to meet various product environmental compliance requirements in China. If you are now facing a problem like:
- does my product need to meet any environmental requirements when exporting to China?
- do I need to do anything else to meet Chinese environmental requirements if my product has already met similar EU regulations?
- is there any non-compliance risk for my product to be placed on China market?
- Where can I get official documents and guidance to learn the details about China’s product environmental requirements?
- How to meet my customer’ requirements about China’s product environmental policies?
You are just one-click away from the right answers.
But simply having the answer might not help you much. Normally, you need a on-site representative to help you handle all kinds of issues in China. Apart from the language and time difference, the complex compliance processes with strong ‘Chinese characteristics’ might render you in bad need of a reliable local expertise to have you covered.
Bearing that in mind, Zhengyun Bian, with his over ten years of working experience in product environmental compliance field, launched certrip programme to contribute his full understanding of the market access threshold for China‘s domestic green products to worldwide customers. Certrip provides super flexible services with a competitive price tailored for your unique requests. Consulting, training, agent service, etc. certrip is right here in Beijing at your service.
Feel free to Leave comments for any questions.